Individual Hypnotherapy

What is Hypnotherapy?
The drive to widen your self-consciousness can arise in many ways.
Sometimes it sprouts spontaneously... A wish to compose the mosaic of your life, to watch it from the right distance and perspective, noticing what you already knew and discovering new parts of yourself.
Other times, while looking back, doubts about choices made in the past may reopen: events that seemed accidental, encounters and farewells whose premises may still be unclear.
Present issues may become opportunities to explore personal aspects, facets of yourself which remained on the background while life kept unfolding.
In other cases full-blown disorders may compromise your quality of life. When this happens, our interventions aim at identifying the factors that lead to the onset and consolidation of the condition. At the same time we will deploy all strategies and tools to achieve symptom remission as soon as possible.
Our individual hypnotherapy programs aim at intertwining personal and family history to build or reconstruct the meaning of events, choices, successes and obstacles encountered during the course of life.
Hypnosis, when used by expert therapists, creates a safe and free space in which you can reconnect with your unconscious mind and redirect your life towards a deeper sense of fulfillment.
Our Hypnosis
Our hypnosis, which we define as post-modern, originates from the Ericksonian approach, considers people as ever-evolving systems and emphasizes each and everyone’s uniqueness.
Post-modern hypnosis uses the meanings and interpretations that patients give to their lives and sense of self to drive therapeutic change. In such context individuals can face and resolve symptoms while understanding their symbolic value.
We wish to support patients in making better use of themselves in order to achieve a more fulfilling and satisfying existence.