Hypnosis, Depression and Mood Disorders

Hypnosis, Depression and Mood Disorders

What’s the true impact of depression?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 25% of the European Population - 1 person out of 4 - will suffer from depression or anxiety disorder at least once in her lifetime. Sources from the United States report that depression is the most widely diagnosed psychiatric disorder.

This condition is the main cause of sick leaves and, beside the economic cost that it causes, it can lead to very high levels of suffering.

The WHO also reports that around half of the people who are suffering from depression are not receiving treatment.

Our interventions in a nutshell

Scientific literature suggests that the principles by which hypnosis works are particularly suitable for the treatment of depression.

More specifically, by using hypnosis to analyze your personal history: the emotional and relational legacies that you inherited from your family, the thought patterns that derive from them...

The causes of your suffering can be found and resolved.

Coming into closer contact with your unconscious mind allows the unveiling of personal resources, of new ways of seeing the world that can lead to a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Nicoletta Gava Centro Ipnosi


Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 14
10121 Torino


+39 351.3115701


+39 320.2350523

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